Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Crazy Cool Colors

After our first day in the fourth grade classroom at Sheridan Elementary, our cooperating teacher emailed us telling us some AWESOME news.  He received a grant for these....


AKA it looks like the iPAD of books.  This will be such a great resource in the classroom.  Our teacher got 10 of these to use in the classroom with his students through the grant. I am excited.

Another subject that I think I am going to start writing about is my wedding to my best friend.  Planning is going alright, slow and steady wins the race right? We have a venue, a photographer, a DJ, and we've talked to our pastor already...so I am feeling pretty good about it.  I am not too worried about anything at the moment, I am sure it will hit me eventually.  Just can't get over how lucky I am to be marrying Andy.

Goof balls forever!

Feeling good, little overwhelmed with the workload right now, but who isn't?

Catch ya later,

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Oh the fourth grade...

I can't believe it--I finally have the opportunity to experience the grade I have always thought I would enjoy the most.  The first day is so far supporting that thought which is FANTASTIC!

I walked in and the classroom was great--so organized, neat and CLEAN.  They have an ELMO, SmartBoard, and two white boards.  There are 20 students total in my class, but only about 18 were there.  There are many higher level students in our classroom, along with two students in special education! I love when there is a nice mix of levels in a classroom because it really helps me to see how the teacher accommodates for all students.

The first thing a little girl said to me is, "My cat is afraid of it's litter box. His name is Bulldozer. He's really fat." ...AS the teacher was trying to teach. OOPS.  I just smiled, nodded, and thought WHAT IN THE WORLD?! Oh boy, I think that's one of the reasons I am going to love teaching.

We observed for a while as the students worked a lot on different test-taking skills.  My favorite part of the lesson by far were the Prefix push-ups and the Suffix sit-ups.  Awesome. The kids were all over it AND had the meanings of quite a few prefixes and suffixes memorized while getting a little exercise. Such a useful idea.

Overall, I am sad I don't get to go back until the end of March, but I am ecstatic to begin this adventure. Can't wait to share. :)

Catch ya later,

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Growing Up

I've never been much of a blogger, or journal-writer, or anything of that sort.  But I figured that I am about to begin a very new chapter in life.  I am going to try and write and reflect about my experiences.

First off... it is my last semester here at K-State.  I cannot believe I will never live with all of my best friends again.  College is one of the most amazing experiences of my life thus far--I have found a group of friends where I belong and am loved no matter what.  Here's some reasons why my years at Kansas State have been the best so far of my life:

  • Became independent and able to solve my own problems.
  • Found a home away from home in Alpha Chi Omega.
  • Gained the best friends a girl could have.
  • Got my first boyfriend :)
  • Gained confidence in ability to become a teacher.
  • Grown closer to my family through our struggles.
  • Became engaged to the love of my life and best friend. (the "first boyfriend" guy from above)
  • Reached the happiest point in my life thus far!
My girls at formal last Spring

Me, Chloe, and Nate--Siblings!

Andy and I :)
I really am blessed aren't I? 

Catch ya later,