Saturday, January 22, 2011

Growing Up

I've never been much of a blogger, or journal-writer, or anything of that sort.  But I figured that I am about to begin a very new chapter in life.  I am going to try and write and reflect about my experiences.

First off... it is my last semester here at K-State.  I cannot believe I will never live with all of my best friends again.  College is one of the most amazing experiences of my life thus far--I have found a group of friends where I belong and am loved no matter what.  Here's some reasons why my years at Kansas State have been the best so far of my life:

  • Became independent and able to solve my own problems.
  • Found a home away from home in Alpha Chi Omega.
  • Gained the best friends a girl could have.
  • Got my first boyfriend :)
  • Gained confidence in ability to become a teacher.
  • Grown closer to my family through our struggles.
  • Became engaged to the love of my life and best friend. (the "first boyfriend" guy from above)
  • Reached the happiest point in my life thus far!
My girls at formal last Spring

Me, Chloe, and Nate--Siblings!

Andy and I :)
I really am blessed aren't I? 

Catch ya later,